Thursday, April 26, 2012


Oh how I love weddings!

I will cry at your wedding whether you like it or not. Camera in one hand, tissue in the other. I will still do a nice job, don't worry. I don't know what it is..but I get really wrapped up in people's weddings. You can only imagine how I am with my own which will be in October. I will be balling at my September weddings of 2012. There is NOTHING greater than love. When I'm around two people at the zenith of all that emotion, even I break down. The good thing about it is that I put so much care into making sure that my brides get the photos they want. I do not have any recent weddings up here yet, but here are some from last year.

Hey kids! say cheese....

Or please just be natural

Now don't get mad at me for saying this, but I can't stand photos of kids with weird awkward smiles with some bizarro background of laser beams, or library books. They usually don't even look like themselves. The beautiful thing about kids is that they are naturally fun, adorable, quirky and silly. I love photographing all of those expressions. The unpredictability of what they are going to do next makes for awesome shooting. I always have my camera ready!

The dog and human connection

Capturing silent thoughts between pals

I am well aware of the intense and satisfying connection between human and animals. Having three Bergamasco sheepdogs of my own, we all know each other on a very deep level. I know which dog's paws are going up the stairs by the sound. I know when they are frustrated, tired, hungry, happy, sad, confused and outright stubborn. I know when they are telling me they love me as opposed to asking for a treat. I know a doggie smile when I see one. I know other pet owners feel this connection and understand their furry family members. I love capturing that deep inter-species connection with my camera. Here are some of my favorites: